No English king is as well-known to us as Henry VIII. He is famous for six marriages, breaking with the Pope, dissolving the monasteries and creating the Church of England; and for his ruthless elimination of those who stood in his way. But he was also an enthusiastic patron of the arts whose palaces, tapestries and paintings enriched the Tudor court and began the Royal Collection. The forces that influenced Henry’s life can be seen in the works he commissioned, by artists such as Pietro Torrigiano, Hans Holbein and Giralomo da Treviso. They tell us much about his kingship and (unintentionally) his insecurities. Ultimately, each of the works told one central story: the glorification of Henry and his England.

Siobhan Clarke BA Hons has worked for Historic Royal Palaces for 20 years and lectured for the British Museum, National Trust, National Archives, and the Smithsonian. Her broadcasting work incudes BBC Radio ‘Women's Hour’ and PBS Television's ‘Secrets of Henry VIII's Palace’. She has published four history books, including ‘King and Collector: Henry VIII and the art of Kingship’ and ‘Gloriana: Elizabeth I and the art of Queenship’.